Summer Academy

cover page 
 Dates: Session 1:  July 15-26
  Session 2:  July 29- August  9
 Times: Mon-Fri, 8:00 - 11:40
 Location: Tainter Elementary

What if my child is not currently enrolled in a RLASD school?

  • If your student is not currently enrolled/attending a school in the district, parents will need to fill out an online enrollment form specifically for summer academy (“Enroll in RLASD for Summer Academy”) located in the Quick Links on the right hand side of the page.  Soon after submitting the enrollment form, the parent/guardian will receive an email with a username and password for their online Family Access account – You will need to use this account to complete the “registration” and “class schedule” steps. 
  • Tuition for non-resident students is $230 per student per session.


April 15- June 5  Online Enrollment for those not currently attending a RLASD school but attending a private school in the district
April 15 - June 5 Parents/Guardians test out their Family access accounts in preparation for online registration and class selection
 April 15
Online registration and class selection for Summer Academy open
June 5 Last day to register for summer academy
Early July Parents receive emails with reminders and information about summer academy
July 15 Summer Academy session 1 begins
July 29 Summer Academy session 2 begins
Aug 9 Last day of summer academy


Quick Links 

Summer Academy Booklet (English) 

Summer Academy Booklet (Spanish)

Tennis Camp 2024

Robotics Camp 2024

Summer Academy Newsletter

Middle School Summer Academy Newsletter

Instructions- Registering & Selecting Courses

Skyward Family Access 

Seeing Busing Info- In Family Access

Summer Transportation Request Form

Enroll in RLASD (for Summer Academy)Only for students NOT currently enrolled in the Rice Lake Area School District.  This is for students who want to attend Summer Academy, but attend a private school for the regular school year, are visiting for the summer, or are new to the district. Please fill this out every year, even if you have attended Summer Academy in previous years. 

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