Series 300: Instruction

General Organizational Plan

320: General Organizational Plan  (revised 02/26/24)

321: Annual School Calendar and School Hours  (revised 02/26/24)

322: School Day (reviewed 02/26/24)

323: School Ceremonies and Observances (revised 02/26/24)

323.1: Special Observance Days (revised 02/26/24)

323.2: Pledge of Allegiance (revised 02/26/24)

Curriculum Development and Evaluation

330: Curriculum Development and Improvement (revised 10/23/17)

330 RULE: Curriculum Development and Evaluation Guidelines(revised 10/23/17)

331: New Courses (revised 02/25/19)

331 RULE: New Course Procedures and Timeline (revised 02/25/19)

331 EXHIBIT (1): New Course Concept (revised 02/25/19)

331 EXHIBIT (2): Needs Assessment (adopted 02/25/19)

331 EXHIBIT (3): New Course Proposal Form (revised 02/25/19)

332: Research Projects and Pilot Programs (revised 04/08/24)

333: Parent Rights in Relation to District Programs/Activities and Student Privacy (revised 08/22/16)

334: Ownership of Curriculum Materials (revised 04/08/24)

Educational Program

341: Basic Instructional Program(revised 05/08/17)

341 RULE: Time Allocation Requirements (revised 05/08/17)

341 EXHIBIT (1): District Notice of Educational Options (K-12 District)(revised 01/08/24)

341.1 Reading Instruction (adopted 05/08/06)

341.21: School Wellness (revised 04/24/23)

341.21 RULE (1): Wellness Plan and School Nutrition Standards (revised 04/24/23)

341.21 RULE (2): Physical Activity (revised 04/24/23)

342: Special and Alternative Education Programs (revised 11/28/05)

342.1: Programs for Students with Disabilities(revised 04/28/14)

342.11: Independent Educational Evaluation (revised 11/28/05)

342.11 RULE: Procedure to Obtain an Independent Educational Evaluation at Public Expense (revised 11/28/05)

342.2: Programs for Students at Risk of Not Graduating from High School (revised 02/23/09)

342.2 RULE: Students at Risk of Not Graduating from High School (revised 02/23/09)

342.3: Title I Programs (revised 05/13/19)

342.3 RULE: Title I Parent/Guardian Engagement Guidelines (revised 05/13/19)

342.3 EXHIBIT (1): Notification Regarding Right to Request Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications (revised 05/13/19)

342.3 EXHIBIT (2): Notification of Student Being Taught by a Teacher who Possesses a License with Stipulations (revised 05/13/19)

342.41: Programs and Services for English Learners (revised 04/27/2020)

342.41 RULE: Procedures for Testing and Assisting English Learners (revised 04/27/2020)

342.41 EXHIBIT (1): English Language Services Parent Notification and Waiver-New Enrollment(revised 04/27/2020)

342.41 EXHIBIT (2): English Language Services Parent Notification and Waiver-Continuing Enrollment (revised 04/27/2020)

342.41 EXHIBIT (3): Parent/Guardian Home Language Survey (adopted 04/27/2020)

342.41 EXHIBIT (4): Sample Individualized Student Plan for English Language Learners (adopted 04/27/2020)

342.41 EXHIBIT (5): Sample Individualized Student Transition Plan for English Language Learners (adopted 04/27/2020)

342.5: Gifted and Talented Program(revised 08/22/16)

342.5 RULE: Gifted and Talented Procedures (revised 08/22/16)

342.8: Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability (adopted 04/28/14)

343.1: Lesson Plans (revised 04/08/24)

343.3: Enrollment and Credit for Middle School Students Taking High School Courses (revised 02/12/18)

343.3 RULE: Enrollment and Credit for Middle School Students Taking High School Courses (revised 02/12/18)

343.4: Part Time Open Enrollment Program (revised 02/14/22)

343.4 RULE: Procedures for Handling Course Applications through Part Time Open Enrollment Program (revised 02/14/22)

343.45: Technical College Course Program (Start College Now) (adopted 5/29/18)

343.45 RULE: Procedures for Handling Course Applications through the Technical College Course Program (Start College Now) (adopted 05/29/18)

343.46: Early College Credit Program (revised 02/28/2022)

343.46 RULE: Procedures for Handling Course Applications through the Early College Credit Program (revised 02/28/2022)

343.5: Online Learning Activities and District Online Courses (adopted 07/27/2020)

343.5 RULE: Application and Approval Procedures for District Online Courses (adopted 07/27/2020)

343.7: Virtual Education (adopted 11/10/08)

343.7 RULE: Virtual Education (adopted 11/10/08)

344: Student Progress(revised 01/23/06)

344.1: Homework (revised 01/23/06)

344.2: Student Progress Reports to Parents (revised 06/14/10)

344.4: Grade or Subject Advancement of Students (reviewed 06/10/19)

344.4 RULE: Grade or Subject Advancement of Students (revised 06/10/19)

344.41 Promotion and Retention of Students in Grades 1-12(reviewed 07/27/2020)

344.41 RULE: Promotion and Retention of Students in Grades 1-12(revised 07/27/2020)

344.41 EXHIBIT (1): Promotion and Retention of Students in Grades 1-8 (reviewed 07/27/2020)

344.42: Grade Advancement - Kindergarten(revised 06/10/19)

344.42 RULE: Grade Advancement Implementation Procedures-Kindergarten (revised 06/10/19)

344.5: High School Graduation Policy (revised 03/27/23)

344.5 RULE: Requirements for Graduation (revised 03/27/23)

345: Grading Systems (revised 08/22/16)

346: Student Assessment (revised 04/08/24)

347: Pupil Records (revised 12/09/19)

347 RULE: Procedures for the Maintenance and Confidentiality of Pupil Records (revised 12/09/19)

347 EXHIBIT (1): Annual Pupil Records Notice (revised 12/09/19)

347 EXHIBIT (2): Permission to an Individual for Rights to Pupil Records and/or Rights to Make Educational Decisions (Not for use in granting rights to agencies) (adopted 12/09/19)

347 EXHIBIT (3): Authorization to Release Records and Exchange Information (adopted 12/09/19)

347.1: Student Directory Data (revised 06/14/2021)

347.1 EXHIBIT: Student Directory Data Opt-Out Form(revised 06/14/2021)

347.2: Procedures for Handling Student Name Changes (adopted 10/10/2022)

Extended Instructional Programs

351: Field Trips (reviewed 05/08/17)

351 RULE (1): Overnight Student Trips Sponsored or Authorized by the District(revised 05/08/17)

351 RULE (2): District Sponsoring and Authorizing Foreign Trips for Students (revised 05/08/17)

351 RULE (3): District Sponsoring and Authorizing Domestic Trips for Students (adopted 05/08/17)

351: EXHIBIT(1) - Parental Consent and Agreement for Foreign or Domestic Travel(revised 05/08/17)

351: EXHIBIT(2) - Memorandum of Understanding (revised 05/08/17)

351: EXHIBIT(3) - Authorization for Medical Treatment on Overnight Student Trip (revised 04/12/23)

351: EXHIBIT(4) - Field Trip Permission Form (reviewed 05/08/17)

352: School Volunteers (revised 04/08/24)

352: RULE -  Volunteer Coaches and Activity Advisors/Supervisors (revised 04/08/24)

352: EXHIBIT(1) - Volunteer Commitment & Confidentiality Statement (revised 04/08/24)
352: EXHIBIT(2) - Volunteer Emergency Information Sheet and Service Commitment (revised 04/08/24)

352.2: Outside Speakers (revised 02/27/06)

353: Travel and Exchange Programs (revised 02/27/06)

Instructional Resources and Services

360.1: Interlibrary Loan (revised 08/22/16)

360.2: Use of Copyrighted Materials(revised 02/27/17)

360.2: RULE - Copyright Guidelines for Rice Lake Area School District(revised 02/27/17)

361: Selection of Instructional Materials and Resources(reviewed 10/08/18)

361: RULE - Procedures for the Selection and Reconsideration of Classroom Instructional Materials and Resources(revised 10/08/18)

361: EXHIBIT(1) - Parent/Guardian Letter on the use of Controversial Materials and Available Alternate Materials in the Classroom (revised 10/08/18)

361: EXHIBIT(2) - Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials(revised 10/08/18)

361: EXHIBIT(3) - School Response to Complaint (revised 10/08/18)

361: EXHIBIT(4) - Checklist for School Media Advisory Committee's Reconsideration of Instructional Materials- Fiction and Other Literary Forms(revised 10/08/18)

361: EXHIBIT(5) - Checklist for School Media Advisory Committee's Reconsideration of Instructional Materials-Nonfiction(reviewed 10/08/18)

361: EXHIBIT(6) - Recommended Instructional Material (adopted 10/08/18)

361.2: Library Media Center Materials Selection and Reconsideration (adopted 11/14/16)

361.2: RULE - Procedures for the Selection, Management and Reconsideration of Library Media Center Materials (adopted 11/14/16)

361.2: EXHIBIT (1) - Parent Letter on the Use of Controversial Materials and Available Alternate Materials in the Library Media Center (adopted 11/14/16)

361.2: EXHIBIT (2) - Request for Reconsideration of Library Media Center Materials (adopted 11/14/16)

361.2: EXHIBIT (3) - School Response to Complaint (adopted 11/14/16)

361.2: EXHIBIT (4) - Checklist for School Media Advisory Committee's Reconsideration of Library Media Center Materials-Fiction and Other Literary Forms (adopted 11/14/16)

361.2: EXHIBIT (5) - Checklist for School Media Advisory Committee's Reconsideration of Library Media Center Materials-Nonfiction (adopted 11/14/16)

362: School Counseling Policy (revised 08/22/16)

363: Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources by Students(reviewed 07/22/24)

363: RULE- Guidelines for Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources by Students(reviewed 07/22/24)

363.1: Assistive Technology for Students with Special Needs(revised 03/24/14)

363.2: Internet Safety Policy(Revised 03/24/14)

364: Student Electronic Recording (adopted 08/24/2020)

Co-curricular Activities

370: Co/Extra-curricular Activities (revised 03/28/22)

370 RULE: Guidelines for Activities (revised 03/28/22)

371: Student Organizations (revised 03/27/23)
371: EXHIBIT - Student Organization Proposal Form (adopted 03/27/23)
372: Student Publications(revised 02/27/06)

374.1: Fundraising and Collection of Money(revised 05/26/15)

374.1: RULE - Fundraising and Collection of Money Procedures(revised 05/26/15)

374.1: EXHIBIT - Fundraising Application Form(revised 05/26/15)

375: Intramural Competition(revised 02/27/06)

376: Interscholastic Competition (High School)(revised 03/28/22)

376: RULE - Guidelines for Activities (adopted 03/28/22)

377: Student Contests(reviewed 04/28/14)

378: Performances by Students(revised 02/27/06)

378: RULE - Student Performance Guidelines(revised 02/27/06)

Miscellaneous Instruction Policies

381: Study and Discussion of Controversial Topics(revised 04/11/22)

381: RULE - Guidelines for Teaching about Controversial Issues(revised 04/11/22)

382.1: Recording District Meetings (revised 3/27/23)

383.1: Service Animals in District Facilities (reviewed 06/11/24)

383.2: Emotional Support Animals in District Facilities (reviewed 06/11/24)

383.3: Professional Therapy Dogs(revised 12/13/2021)